Text messaging allows you to send short, quick responses and questions to whomever you may be speaking with, and text messaging shortcuts make this process even faster. Since text messages are typically limited to a certain amount of characters, knowing the shortcuts can help you say more with the space you have. However, make sure you know what the shortcuts mean before sending them to avoid awkward situations
Saying Goodbye
When it comes to saying goodbye, there are many text messaging shortcuts at your disposal. A simple "BBB" means "Bye Bye Babe," but it can also mean "Boring Beyond Belief," so make sure to use that one in proper context. Texting "BBBG" means "Bye Bye. Be Good," while "BBFN" means "Bye Bye For Now." If you only need to step away from the conversation for a moment, text "BBIAS" which translates into "Be Back In A Second." You can also text "BBIAB," which means "Be Back In A Bit," or "BBIAF," which means "Be Back In A Few." If your return time is unknown, text "BBSL" which means "Be Back Sooner Or Later."Showing The Love
Expressing love in a text can be accomplished with a variety of shortcuts. For example, texting "IWALU" translates into "I Will Always Love You." The acronym "LOL" is commonly used to express "Lots Of Love" but it also means "Laughing Out Loud," so make sure it fits the conversation before sending it. If you want to get more serious, text "LOML" to your significant other, which means "Love Of My Life." Other variations include "LY4E" which means "Love You Forever," "LUSM" which means "Love You So Much," and simply "LY" which means "Love You."Very Funny
When someone sends you a funny joke or story in the from of a text, you have many acronym options to show your appreciation. For example, "LTS" translates into "Laughing To Self," while "LTM" means "Laughing To Myself." If someone really cracks you up, text "LSHMBH" which means "Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts." You can also text "LTHTT" which means "Laughing Too Hard To Type." Of course, if you do type and send that one, you're apparently not laughing too hard to type. Try instead "LTIC," which means "Laughing 'Til I Cry."